
The Choice to Become a Gestational Surrogate in South Carolina

Make no mistake, giving birth to a child is nothing short of miraculous. For the women who are able to get pregnant, the experience will undoubtedly change their lives forever. For those who are struggling with infertility, medical science has provided new and exciting options, including the option of using a gestational surrogate (carrier). Unfortunately, […]


The Difference Between Traditional & Gestational Surrogacy

It is no secret that for some couples it is difficult, if not impossible, to safely carry a baby to full term. Fortunately, modern science has provided hopeful parents with multiple options. Through processes like traditional and gestational surrogacy, many couples have the ability to fulfill their dreams of creating a family of their own. […]


Major Decision Reached: Egg Donations Considered Taxable Income

  Today, 6.7 million women are facing impaired fecundity, or, the inability to get pregnant or carry a baby to term. Thankfully, science has found ways around the injustice to these mothers and families-to-be. Today, there are so many alternatives available for women and families struggling to get pregnant.   One option is egg donation. […]

Surrogacy Surrogacy In The News

Beware of Surrogacy Agency Fraud

Once again, another surrogacy “agency” is accused of taking advantage of families struggling with infertility and defrauding them of thousands of dollars. Although surrogacy programs may refer to themselves as “agencies,” this designation is misleading.  Unlike an adoption agency which ishighly regulated by the State Government, anyone who gets a business license can call themselves a “surrogacy agency.” […]

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