Deciding Between Parenting and Adoption
Finding out that you are unexpectedly pregnant can be overwhelming. Your plans for this time of your life might not include a baby or even a pregnancy. But, if you are certain that abortion is definitely not in your plans, know that you do have more options for your unplanned pregnancy.
Whether you’re thinking “I don’t want to be pregnant, but I don’t want an abortion,” or you’re not sure what you want right now, know that there are alternative options to abortion in South Carolina. Because it is a difficult decision to make, it’s important that you be as informed as possible, which is why this article will give you a basic idea of what you need to consider before making your choice.
To learn more, you can always talk to the social workers at Thompson Dove Law Group. Our trained professionals will talk you through all of your unplanned pregnancy options and help you make the decision that’s right for you — no matter what it is. We respect every pregnant woman’s choice to do what is best for her situation, and we will provide the information you need to pursue that path.
To start, there are some things to consider when choosing between your two alternatives to abortion: parenting vs. adoption.
We understand how big of a role your emotions may play in your decision, but it is also important that you separate your feelings from the facts in order to approach your choices other than abortion with a clear head — especially regarding the financial aspect of your alternatives to abortion.
Before you choose to parent, you should be financially stable enough to support your child. The average cost to raise a child over 18 years adds up to more than $230,000, and that number is expected to grow every year. If you will be a single mother, you should be confident that you can comfortably support your child on your own. There are also programs that may be able to assist you with these costs, like:
- South Carolina Family Independence
- Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Low-Home Energy Assistance Program
However, if you won’t be able to give your baby the life you want for them, you might feel the need to consider choosing adoption as an alternative to abortion instead.
If you choose adoption, it will be completely free for you, and you may even receive financial assistance for your pregnancy-related expenses.
The Emotions Involved
No matter whether you choose to place your child for adoption or to raise your child yourself as your alternatives to abortion, you will always be an important part of your baby’s life. With open adoption, you can watch your child grow up even if you do choose to place them with another family.
Open adoption is a process in which an adoptive family agrees to communicate with a birth mother after the adoption is complete, usually through pictures and letters. Your child will know about you and, depending on the level of comfort you and the adoptive family have, you may even be able to contact them as they grow up.
However, that is not to say adoption is easy. Many women experience feelings of grief and loss after placing their baby with an adoptive family, and the healing process can be lifelong. That’s why our social workers will be available to you after your adoption to help you through your post-placement period.
Know that parenting isn’t easy, either. You can never completely plan for parenthood, and the unexpected surprises can be challenging. However, most parents would agree that the tough times are well worth it in the end.
In deciding between your options other than abortion in South Carolina, take the time to consider your emotions and what you think you can handle moving forward. Remember, our professionals can always counsel you through this choice.
What’s Best for Your Child
While it’s important that you consider your own feelings during this decision-making process, part of being a parent is putting your child’s best interests first. And, by deciding between the two alternatives to abortion, you are choosing to be a parent, whether or not you physically raise your child.
Perhaps the most important aspect of your decision between your choices other than abortion is asking yourself what kind of life you want your child to have. All mothers want the best for their child — and, before you parent your child, you need to honestly evaluate whether you can provide those opportunities.
By placing your child with an adoptive family, you can be reassured they will have a safe life with loving parents. All of our waiting families have been screened to ensure they are financially and emotionally ready to be parents, and their adoptive family profiles will show you how they are prepared to give an adopted child every possible opportunity.
Remember, it’s never too late to choose adoption or parenting, whether you are far along in your pregnancy or you have just given birth. Deciding between your alternatives for abortion in South Carolina is not a choice you’ll make overnight, so whether it takes you the whole length of your pregnancy to decide or if you change your mind at the last minute, know that there are adoption professionals ready to help.
Some mothers don’t really know what they want until their child is born — and that’s completely okay. However, a pregnant woman does know that by choosing between her alternatives to abortion that she is giving her child a chance at the life she wants for them.
No matter whether you are considering adoption as an alternative to abortion or you are still trying to decide between all of your options, you can receive objective, informative counseling to help you with your choice — absolutely for free and with no obligation to choose adoption. While you are ultimately the only one who can know what’s best for you and your unborn child, we are happy to help you however we can. Contact our professionals today for free counseling and information.