Counseling for Birth Parents Domestic Adoption Ethical Considerations Open Adoption Postadoption Services Support Services Transparency in Adoption Types of Adoption

When Openness Doesn’t Happen in Adoption

Here at Thompson Dove, we’ve been fortunate to witness many, many adoption situations advance beautifully and smoothly. One complicated aspect of adoption is that it brings together a handful of complete strangers – often in painful or vulnerable seasons of life – and asks them to commit to moving forward in a forever kind of way. Sometimes this pans out easily, but often each party’s expectations and hopes will be unmet throughout each season.

Adoption Support Groups Domestic Adoption Legal Aid for Adoptive Families Support Services Types of Adoption

Becca’s Adoption Story

I will never forget the day I got the call from Lauren, our case worker within the Law firm. Just by chance, we had been emailing back and forth regarding something about our home study so when I saw the South Carolina area code on my cell phone, I didn’t for a second think I […]

Adoption Support Groups Domestic Adoption Infant Adoption Support Services Types of Adoption

An Adoption Story (Kim)

We asked adoptive mom, Kim, to share the moment when she become a mother. The day I became a mother was so special, but before I dive into that, allow me to share with you the events that led up to the day I met my daughter. The wait for our child seemed like an […]

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