Lauren Dove
Social Worker
We know what you’re thinking, but no, Lauren is not related to Dale, believe it or not! Lauren graduated from North Greenville University in 2010 with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. During her undergraduate program, she became interested in adoption and developed a passion to work with women who may be experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. With this career path in mind, after also completing a certificate program in American Sign Language from Spartanburg Community College, she sought out and earned a Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of South Carolina where she was able to complete an internship with Christian Family Services, a South Carolina licensed child-placing agency, further strengthening her desire to work within the field.
Lauren is a licensed Master’s Social Worker (LMSW) in the states of South Carolina and Georgia, a certified Master’s Social Worker (CMSW) in the state of North Carolina, and a Certified Adoption Investigator. Being a member of the JFT team since 2015, she has a great respect for each birth parent with whom she works and feels blessed to know the adoptive families who open their hearts and homes to these children. In addition to her work in adoption, Lauren enjoys being a part of our Gestational Carrier (Surrogacy) program as she provides education and support services to gestational carriers, as well as remains a resource to intended parents as they prepare for the birth of their child(ren) through the journey of surrogacy.
Lauren was previously a board member, serving as the marketing chair, for the South Carolina Chapter of Postpartum Support International. She is also holds an Allied Health Professional membership with the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.