No matter what side of an adoption you are on, getting together with everyone involved for some fun activities can help solidify connections and relationships. If you are in an open adoption, this would be a great opportunity to get your family together with the birth parents or other extended family. Whether you are just starting your adoption journey or you’ve already experienced an adoption, these are some fun activities that everyone can enjoy!
Local Sporting Events
Gather the family together and check out one of your local sports teams for a fun afternoon outing or an exciting night game. Be sure to snap lots of pictures with the mascot and, of course, with your family! Even if sports aren’t your cup of tea, it’s fun to walk around the stadium, share foot-long hotdogs, and participate in some half-time fun!
Plan a Cookout or Picnic at the Park
This is the perfect opportunity to pack games and toys to enjoy outside. Find games that are fun for all ages so everyone can participate. If there is a grill, grab some cookout favorites! The open element of the park allows for great conversation time without having to talk over a loud crowd.
Catch a Movie
Whether you’re a birth parent getting to know your child’s family more or you’re adoptive parents wanting to spend more time with you child’s birth parent, the relaxing mood that a good movie sets is a great way to ease into a relationship. Follow up with coffee at your house or pick a lunch spot to get in some talk time.
Participate in a Local Event
If you aren’t from the same area as the other members of your adoption triad, see if there is a local event going on in either your hometown or theirs. This is a fun way to explore new places, and it allows the host to show you around their favorite parts of the city.
Are you in an open adoption? We would love to hear if you have any suggestions for fun activities for those along on your adoption journey!