Adoption Costs Adoption Law Adoption Tax Credit Financial Considerations Tax Implications

What’s New to the Federal Adoption Tax Credit for 2018

Now that 2019 is officially underway, it is time for families who finalized their adoptions in 2018 to take advantage of the 2018 Federal Adoption Tax Credit. Prospective adoptive parents can find information about the Federal Adoption Tax Credit on the IRS website. Basically, this provision allows adopting parents to take a tax credit for […]

Adoption Costs Adoption Expenses Adoption Tax Credit Costs of Procedures Financial Assistance Programs Financial Considerations Support Services

How The 529 Foundation Can Help Your Family Save For College

Raising a child is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have, but it also comes with its fair share of stress and anxieties. Saving for college is definitely one of those worries. Tuition is getting higher than ever, and thousands of college graduates are in debt. But paying for college doesn’t have to […]

Adoption Costs Adoption Expenses Adoption Law Adoption Tax Credit Financial Considerations Tax Implications

The IRS Announces 2017 Federal Adoption Tax Credit

  The IRS announced the maximum tax credit for 2017. Prospective adoptive parents can find information about the Federal Adoption Tax Credit on the IRS website. Basically, this provision allows adopting parents to take a tax credit for “qualified expenses” to adopt a child. “Qualified adoption expenses” are reasonable and necessary adoption fees, court costs […]

Adoption Costs Adoption Legal Procedures Adoption Tax Credit Court Adoption Proceedings Interstate Adoption Open Adoption Termination of Parental Rights Types of Adoption

Why You Need an Adoption Attorney to Finalize Your Adoption

When it finally comes time to finalize your adoption, you have likely already been on a long and emotional journey. So the last thing you want is to experience any last-minute bumps in the road. An adoption attorney can help your finalization go off without a hitch. Why hire an attorney who specializes in adoption […]

Adoption Costs Adoption Expenses Adoption Law Adoption Tax Credit

The IRS Announces 2016 Federal Adoption Tax Credit

On November 2, 2015, the IRS announced the maximum tax credit for 2016. Prospective adoptive parents can find information about the Federal Adoption Tax Credit at the IRS website. Basically, this provision allows adopting parents to take a tax credit for “qualified expenses” to adopt a child. “Qualified adoption expenses” are reasonable and necessary adoption […]

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