Unfortunately, less than half of companies in the United States offer adoption benefits to their employees. But thanks to the work of organizations like the Dave Thomas Foundation and other leading companies promoting adoption benefits, these numbers are rising.
The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, established by Wendy’s founder Dave Thomas, is an organization that aims to help children in foster care find loving forever families and get adopted. In their efforts to raise awareness about adoption, the Dave Thomas Foundation publishes a list of the Top Adoption Friendly Workplaces every year. According to this list, the average benefits companies extend for adoptive families are $8,000 in financial reimbursement, an average of 5 weeks paid adoption leave, and support for foster parents ranging from 1 to 18 weeks.
While honoring these companies is important, so too is bringing awareness to the lack of adoption benefits across companies in the United States. Many organizations don’t realize that implementing these benefits will actually be good for their business. These days, company culture and work-life balance are extremely important in the business world, and potential employees look for companies that offer these advantages. Adoption friendly workplaces have a leg up in these areas. Offering benefits will both give companies a leg up in recruiting the top talent and also make a great addition to an organization’s work-life package. These benefits are not only great for recruiting purposes, but are also affordable. Adoption benefits are one of the most cost-effective benefits to offer because less than 1% of eligible employees typically take advantage of them.
Adoption has become increasingly common over the last few decades, and those who wish to adopt should be supported in as many ways as possible. Employers can help families feel supported by offering benefits for adoptive parents. And luckily, creating an adoption friendly workplace does not have to be a complicated process- the Dave Thomas Foundation offers a toolkit for companies that wish to implement adoption benefits.