With the many emotional ups and downs that come with the adoption process, prepping the house for a new baby can seem like a daunting task. And while most parents have 9 months to prep their house in anticipation for the arrival of their little bundle, adoptive parents don’t have such definite timelines. However, prepping your house for the arrival of your bundle of joy does not need to be daunting or stressful. Here are some house prepping tips for expectant adoptive parents.
Newborn Clothes and Diapers
Let’s start with the basics. Your child is going to need clothes and diapers. However, no need to go overboard with the newborn clothes, as your baby will grow out of them quickly. Also look for clothes that will be comfortable for your baby and easy for you to put on; it will be much easier for you to zip up your baby’s onesie than to mess with a bunch of tiny buttons.
With diapers, however, it’s better to be safe than sorry, so buy plenty and keep a backup stash somewhere in the house.
Nursery Prep
While it’s tempting to create an adorable nursery for your baby, your main concern for the nursery should be safety. Your child’s mattress should be firm and their crib clear of any blankets, stuffed animals, or toys. The Internet and baby stores will make it seem like there are a million products you “have” to have, but be careful not to fall for any gimmicks. Many of these items will end up sitting unused at the back of a closet.
Babies are very curious and will get their hands on whatever they can, so babyproofing your home is extremely important. While you may not have to worry about your newborn crawling around just yet, you aren’t going to have much free time once the baby arrives, and you’ll be happy if your home is already fully proofed by the time your little one is crawling around.
Two of the major babyproofing steps are installing cabinet locks and baby gates. It can be hard to keep up with a crawling baby, so be sure that they cannot open any cabinets within their reach. Baby gates are useful for many reasons: they will keep your baby off of the stairs, out of rooms with any hazardous furniture, and can even keep pets out of the baby’s area. And of course, you will want to invest in some outlet covers.
You may also want to consider adding padding to anything around the house with sharp corners, like a brick fireplace or glass table. Lastly, don’t worry about things like toilet seat locks. If there is a room you don’t want your baby or toddler getting into, just use a door knob lock.
Siblings and Pets
If you have pets or older children, they will also need baby prepping. A baby in the house is a huge adjustment, especially when children or pets are used to being the center of their parents’ attention.
While some siblings will feel jealous once the baby arrives, most will just be excited to help and be a big sibling. Stress how important their job as a big sibling is and how much you’re going to need their help with their new little brother or sister.
With pets, a lot of the adjusting will come once the baby actually arrives since we cannot talk to them and prepare them for the upcoming changes. However, you can get a head start by keeping pets out of areas where they won’t be allowed once the baby comes. And when the baby finally does arrive, be sure to give your pet an extra bit of attention now and again.
A new baby in the house is always going to be a hectic experience, but following the steps above before your baby’s arrival will make the adjustment much easier. And while there is so much to do for the baby and other members of your family, don’t forget to take care of yourself too.