For many adoptive parents, the process of choosing to go forward with adoption is an exciting yet stressful time. Whether you are searching for a birthmother or spending countless hours researching agencies or firms to handle the logistics, adoption is a thoughtful process.
As an adult, you are able to grasp the magnitude of the adoption process and educate yourselves on how to provide the best environment for a child. Sometimes, it’s not just yourself that you need to prepare for this big change. As adoptive parents with children, you may be worried about preparing your child who is still too young to understand.
For young children, the idea of new life being brought into their family is often something tangible. For instance, letting children feel their mother’s stomach during pregnancy gives them an instant sense of connection. In the case of adoption, this process can be a bit more of a challenge.
In terms of timing, the younger the child is, the less notice you need to give him or her. It is better to wait until you have a definitive date and are very certain it is all going to work out. Promising your child something prematurely could cause unnecessary anxiety.
To avoid jealousy, be sure to include your little one in this big change in your lives and reiterate the positives. Instead of just showing your child the new babies room, allow him/her to help decorate the new room. Use books to illustrate what being a big brother or sister means. Celebrate how special it is to be an older sibling.
Becoming a big brother or sister is an exciting time, and these are a handful of ways to help make the transition run a bit smoother. If you have any questions about adoption, please feel free to reach out. We’d love to hear from you.