7 Incredible Benefits of Adoption in South Carolina
Placing a child for adoption is a hard decision to make. If you’re pregnant, you’re probably wondering, “What are the benefits of giving a baby up for adoption in South Carolina?” There are more than you may think. Learn all about them here, and contact our team of adoption experts at any time to get...

Your Open Adoption Options in South Carolina
You’re probably aware of the term “open adoption” — but do you know what open adoption means in modern-day adoption journeys? If you are like many pregnant women, you likely have many questions regarding how open adoption works, how it might benefit you and your child, and who gets to decide how “open” the relationship...

“Pregnant and Don’t Want the Baby”: Explore Adoption Options
Are you pregnant but don’t want the baby? You have no reason to be ashamed. What you’re feeling is normal — and you have options. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, you might consider the benefits of adoption. Learn more about making this decision here.

Why It’s Never Too Late to Choose Adoption for Your Child
Is it too late to give my baby up for adoption? Can you put your baby up for adoption after you’ve already had him? We have the answers to all these questions and more. Contact us today to start a last-minute adoption plan in South Carolina that’s perfect for you.
What Giving a Baby Up for Adoption Really Means
Giving a newborn up for adoption in South Carolina is not “giving up.” It’s giving your child the best opportunities in life that you may not be able to provide. Thompson Dove Law Group can guide you through this process when you are ready.
Can I Put a Sick or Special Needs Baby Up for Adoption?
Can I give a sick baby up for adoption? What is the process of giving a special needs baby up for adoption? The adoption counselors at Thompson Dove Law Group can help answer these questions and more.
Giving a Second or Third Child Up for Adoption
Considering giving a baby up for adoption when you already have kids? You are not alone. Many birth mothers give a second or third child up for adoption to do what is best for their family.
How to Create a Prison Adoption Plan
If you are pregnant in jail, you may wonder what options are available for you and your child. The adoption counselor at Thompson Dove Law Group can help you create a South Carolina prison adoption plan.