Today we’re talking with Jennifer, one of the gestational carriers we’ve been privileged to work with.
What led you to pursue becoming a gestational carrier?
After my husband and I had our first anniversary we wanted to start having children and grow our family. We tried for a few months and I was not getting pregnant. I was nervous and scared, thinking that maybe we couldn’t have any children. I spoke to my doctor and she told me some things I could do to help us along. After another couple months of nothing I decided to stop trying for a little while because it was making me depressed and upset. After about two months of us not trying I found out I was pregnant. I was so happy and so relieved but I knew how panicked I was and thought about how many other families are going through the same experience but with a different outcome of not getting pregnant. So after having our second child, both my husband and I decided that we wanted to help out another family and give them what we were so lucky to have.
What was your favorite part of the process?
After meeting the intended parents, I felt like every experience was my favorite. The transfer, finding out that I was pregnant, the first ultrasound when they could see their little one growing, and even hearing their baby’s heartbeat for the first time, but then the delivery day came, and that day by far was the most rewarding. The intended parents did not find out what gender their baby was, so they could be surprised. The moment the doctor held up their little boy, and they laid eyes on him, the mother cried out with joy, and you could just see the happiness and the unconditional love in their faces for their son. It is a moment that I will never forget.
What was your relationship like with the intended parents? What is the relationship like now?
My relationship with the intended parents was and still is a great one. We got to know each other better during the pregnancy. I am still in touch with the intended parents and their baby boy. The mom sends me photos and lets me know how he is doing and when he hits a new milestone. They even got to know my daughters and my husband and asked about them at times as well.
What was your time in the hospital like, both logistically and emotionally?
The hospital stay was a very different experience than the times with my daughters because I did not have a baby right next to me at all times. I was right down the hall from the intended parents and newborn, so I got to see him a few times while I was there.
Why did you choose to pursue being a gestational carrier with Thompson Dove Law Group?
When I was looking into becoming a carrier, I wanted to work with someone local, and that is when I came across Thompson Dove Law Group. After talking to them and especially talking to Shannon, I knew they were the perfect fit for me. They have been nothing but sweet and helpful the entire time. I probably emailed Shannon, asking the same question multiple times, and she would answer me every time and never once seemed annoyed by me. They worked closely with me to find a perfect match with the intended parents and made sure that I was comfortable in every step and every decision.
Now that you’ve completed the process, would you consider being a gestational carrier again?
I am actually starting the process again with the same family!
Thank you for sharing this, Jennifer! If you’re reading and have more questions about the process, please reach out to us directly or read more here.
Interested in Becoming a Gestational Surrogate?
Gestational surrogates are in high demand. If you’d like to help a loving couple grow their family, click here to see if you qualify to be a surrogate with Palmetto Surrogacy.